Integration of Seismic-Geodetic Observations

I am particularly interested in exploring the wide spetrum of dynamic Earth processes by intergrating seismological and geodetic observations. These efforts include imaging space-time patterns of fault slip during and after earthquakes (strong motion, GPS, tide gauges, and tsunami waveforms), inferring frequency-dependent signals during the potential activation of splay faulting (seismic records and tsunami waveforms), and, more recently, imaging the continuous transition from earthquake arrest to postseismic fault slip (strong motion records, high-rate GPS, and daily GPS).

Recent Conference Presentation
J Jiang, Y Bock, and E Klein, Imaging slip evolution on the San Andreas fault due to the 2004 Parkfield earthquake, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2018

Junle Jiang
Postdoctoral Scholar in Geophysics

My research interests include crustal deformation, earthquake dynamics, and natural hazards.


The 2006 Mw 7.8 Java earthquake was a tsunami earthquake, exhibiting frequency-dependent seismic radiation along strike. High-frequency …